作者原文: 崔大庆甘雷同志命名表彰大会在京隆重举行 北京市公安局、公安部政治部今天在公安部礼堂隆重举行崔大庆、甘雷同志命名表彰大会,北京市有关领导、公安部部长陶驷驹等领导出席了大会。 丰台分局的代表首先介绍了崔大庆、甘雷临危不惧,勇斗歹徒的英雄事迹,北京市常务副市长张百发宣读了市政府关于批准崔大庆同志为革命烈士的决定、市委关于授予崔大庆同志“优秀共产党员”称号的决定、关于追授崔大庆、授予甘雷同志“北京市
Comrade Cui Daqing Comrade named Gan commendation ceremony was held in Beijing Beijing Public Security Bureau, Ministry of Public Security Department today held in the Ministry of Public Security auditorium Cui Daqing, Comrade Gan Lei named commendation ceremony, the relevant leaders of Beijing, Minister of Public Security Tao Juju et al Leaders attended the meeting. Representatives of Fengtai Branch first introduced the heroic deeds of Cui Daqing, Gan Lei, and the gangsters. Zhang Baifa, executive vice mayor of Beijing, read the municipal government’s decision on approving Cui Daqing as a revolutionary martyr. The municipal party committee’s decision on granting Cui Daqing “ Outstanding Communist Party member ”title, chaired Cui Daqing, awarded Gan Lei comrades" Beijing