平煤集团公司(原平顶山矿务局)是新中国成立后第一个自主开发建设的特大型煤炭企业,经过40余年的不断努力,已经建设成为我国三大煤炭基地之一。近年来,平煤集团公司把推进科学技术进步作为发展企业生产和提高经济效益的主要手段,原煤年产量稳定在2000万吨,洗精煤365万吨,经济效益在全国排名十强。 一.加强合作,共谋发展
Pingmei Coal Group (formerly Pingdingshan Mining Bureau) was the first large-scale coal enterprise independently developed after the founding of New China. After more than 40 years of continuous efforts, it has been built into one of China’s three major coal bases. In recent years, Pingdingshan Group has taken promoting science and technology as the main means for developing enterprise production and improving economic efficiency. The annual output of raw coal is stable at 20 million tons, and clean coal is 3.65 million tons. Economic efficiency ranks top 10 in the country. 1. Strengthen cooperation and seek common development