Is it possible to acquire new knowledge in a dream? Not long ago it was an illusion, but the latest works of scholars affirm this possibility. Once I had done a trial of a person learning a foreign language in a dream, the process of mastering the new knowledge was fast and did not harm the health of the learner. To put it simply, the situation is like reading a book to someone who is asleep and repeating it several times. When he got up the next morning, he learned new knowledge, but he didn’t know where he got this knowledge. Tape recorders can also successfully replace the reader. “Mastering language in sleep” is the name of the first Soviet scientific work on hypnosis. This book is being prepared for publication by the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh Republic. Its author is Karaganda scholar who has studied this issue for twenty-five years. Dr. Abram Sviyatov, doctor of medical sciences.