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目的 探讨一期移植不同形式的(足母)甲皮瓣和穿支皮瓣,进行拇手指再造并修复足部供区的手术指征、技术和疗效.方法 自2012年2月至2015年10月,根据59例患者拇手指缺损的指别、数量和分度以及伴有的手部皮肤软组织缺损范围,设计多种与(足母)甲皮瓣同一血管蒂的足部复合组织瓣和游离穿支皮瓣,再造拇手指的同时修复足部供区继发性缺损.本组共再造91指,其中单个拇指Ⅰ度9例9指、Ⅱ度23例24指、Ⅲ度5例5指;含拇指的两个手指5例12指、三个手指2例6指、四个手指2例8指;不含拇指的单个手指5例5指、两个手指2例4指、三个手指6例18指.足部继发性缺损均用游离穿支皮瓣(45例)或嵌合型穿支骨皮瓣重建(14例).结果 术后再造指全部存活,足部皮瓣部分坏死3例,完全坏死1例.随访时间为2~21个月,平均11个月.根据中华医学会手外科学会拇手指再造功能评定标准:优42例,良17例.根据Maryland足功能评分标准:优46例,良13例.结论 本术式在尽可能减小足部和肢体供区损伤的前提下,不仅能再造出外观和功能兼优的拇手指,而且还为解决套脱性手外伤需多指再造的难题提供了新的选择.“,”Objective To explore the surgical indications,techniques and treatment outcomes of toe-tofinger transfer and donor foot reconstruction with different types of big toe wrap-around flap and perforator flap.Methods From February 2012 to October 2015,59 cases of thumb or finger defects were treated.Based on the digit involved,the number of digits involved and the level of the defects,a variety of dorsalis pedis composite flaps and perforator flaps were designed and combined with wrap-around flap from the big toe to reconstruct the missing finger or thumb and cover the donor sites.There were a total of 91 digits that were reconstructed,among which single Ⅰ degree defect of 9 thumbs in 9 cases,Ⅱ degree defect of 24 thumbs in 23 cases,Ⅲ degree defect of 5 thumbs in 5 cases,thumb defect with two fingers involvement of 12 fingers in 5 cases,thumb defect with three fingers involvement of 6 fingers in 2 cases,thumb defect with four fingers involvement of 8 fingers in 2 cases,single finger defect of 5 fingers in 5 cases,two finger involvement in 4 fingers in 2 cases,and three finger involvement in 18 fingers in 6 cases.Donor site defect in the foot was repaired with perforator flap (45 cases) or chimeric superficial circumflex iliac artery perforator osteocutaneous flap (14 cases).Results All the reconstructed fingers and thumbs survived.Flaps used to cover donor site of the foot survived except partial necrosis in 3 cases and complete necrosis in 1 case.The follow-up period ranged from 2 to 21 months,being 11 months on average.According to the evaluation criteria for finger/thumb reconstruction issued by the Hand Surgery Society of the Chinese Medicine Association,the results were rated as excellent in 42 cases and good in 17 cases.Function of the donor foot was rated as excellent in 46 cases and good in 13 cases based on the Maryland foot function scoring system.Conclusion The above described procedures take advantage of perforator flaps that minimize morbidity in the donor site while affording excellent reconstruction of fingers and thumbs.These procedures provide a new treatment option for degloving hand injury that requires multiple finger reconstruction.
目的 了解2008-2009年北京地区成人腹泻样本中诺如病毒(Norovirus,NoV)GⅡ.12型毒株的基因特征.方法 用三对引物对11株GⅡ.12型诺如病毒毒株RdRp,、ORF2、ORF3及ORF1/OFF2重叠区分别扩增,PCR产物纯化、克隆、测序,通过DNAStar、MEGA、SimPlot等生物软件进行比对、系统进化分析及重组分析.结果 根据系统进化分析,11株在RdRp区属于GⅡ.
细胞色素P450 2E1(cytochrome P450 2E1,CYP 2E1),是细胞色素P450的乙醇诱导形式,它在非乙醇脱氢酶氧化途径中起重要作用,为酒精性肝病的主要发病机制。
目的 分析GⅡ-4型诺如病毒深圳分离株SZ2010422全基因组序列,了解其分子结构特点及进化特性.方法 根据New Orleans参考株全序列设计引物,用RT-PCR分段扩增诺如病毒全基因组,经分子克隆、测序后进行系统进化分析及衣壳区氨基酸位点分析.结果 GⅡ-4型诺如病毒深圳SZ2010422株病毒基因组全长7559 bp,病毒基因组分三个开放阅读框(ORFs),ORF1、ORF2及ORF3长
目的 探讨慢性HBV感染孕妇所生新生儿脐带血与静脉血HBV标志物状况的一致性和相关性,以及与孕妇HBV感染标志物的相关性.方法 以HBsAg、HBeAg双阳性且HBV DNA>1 ×105拷贝/ml孕妇及新生儿为研究对象,孕妇分娩前采集静脉血,新生儿于注射乙肝免疫球蛋白、乙肝疫苗前采集静脉血.在清洁和去除脐带表面污染血液,并用酒精消毒后,用注射器采集脐带血.HBsAg、抗HBs、HBeAg、抗HB