长江南京航道工程局自 1996年疏养分管以来,已在市场经济的大潮中搏击了五年,取得了五年五大步的骄人成绩:产值翻一番,人均收入翻一番,全局职工思想稳定,单位经济实力增强。回首过去,我们总结了一条经验,那就是:任何时候,任何情况下,我们都必须牢牢把握发展这一主题
Yangtze River Nanjing Waterway Engineering Bureau has been fighting in the tide of market economy for five years since its detention in 1996. It has achieved remarkable results in five major stages in five years. Its output doubled and its per capita income doubled. The overall idea of workers Stability, the unit economic strength increased. Looking back, we have summed up the experience that at any time and under any circumstances we must firmly grasp the theme of development