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  When you live in Beijing for a while, you gain a finely tuned understanding of air. After seven years here, I feel a bit like those 1)apocryphal Eskimos, with their thirty words for snow.
  In Beijing, we talk about air purifiers the way that teen-age boys talk about cars. More than once, I’ve gone into a friend’s apartment and put an admiring hand on a top-of-theline, 2)IQAir HealthPro, and said, “Niiiice.”(The cost? About nine hundred bucks per room.) At our house we have a lesser brand, and the following will sound like a joke, but I’m sorry to say it’s not: the filters for these machines are so expensive that we get ours under the table, through a connection that my wife has involving a stern Russian woman from Vladivostok. How she gets them, I don’t ask and she doesn’t tell.
  For Christmas last year, our families gave us air purifiers.
  By now, the world has looked on with sympathy(and a 3)soup?on of “4)airenfreude”) at pictures of the misery here in Beijing these days. Thanks to an extra-cold winter, which has caused people to burn more coal; an ever-increasing number of cars; and a windless few days, Beijing entered a tunnel of record-breaking air pollution this weekend—and it’s still going on. The most dangerous kind of pollution, the 5)ultrafine 6)airborne particles, 7)spiked to 993 micrograms per cubic meter on Saturday. How high is that? The World Health Organization advises cities not to exceed 25. (As I type this, we’re down to 285, which the U.S. Embassy describes as“8)hazardous.”)
  For me, the clearest technical measure of the severity came from an environmental-law expert who reported that the closest the United States has ever come to measurements like this was in the midst of forest fires—and Beijing’s level this weekend was far higher than that.

  I first noticed that something odd was happening around midday on Saturday, when Beijing passed the first of a series of unscientific measurements I use to 9)take stock. First came the“indoor smog” test. When my wife and I walked into a mall in Beijing on Saturday, the air inside the 10)vaulted-glass 11)atrium had the color and weight of fog over a fishing village at dawn. We hadn’t noticed it before we got there because we’ve largely engineered our lives to avoid having to dwell on the issue. We live in a one-story house with windows that face the yard, in part because we discovered, years ago, that sweeping views from a high floor are just a daily reminder of all that you can’t see. We gave up running outside years ago and bought a treadmill, after a doctorfriend weighed the issue and concluded that running inside was better than going without exercise. This weekend, I climbed on the treadmill and wheezed to the end of a half an hour before deciding that we had now passed my next threshold: the “screw the treadmill” test.
  By Sunday, Beijing was advising people not to leave their houses. The airport cancelled dozens of flights because pilots couldn’t see, and the capital ordered cars off the roads. Factories were shutting down, and the Website of the environmentalmonitoring center crashed. “The number of people coming into our emergency room suffering heart attacks has roughly doubled since Friday when the air pollution became really severe,”Ding Rongjing, the deputy head of 12)cardiology at Peking University People’s Hospital, told Bloomberg News. At our house, we holed up with an air purifier and a 13)pirated DVD of Lincoln.(Sorry, 14)Daniel Day-Lewis; desperate measures.)

  The smog this weekend passed another threshold I hadn’t seen before: a test we might call“the local tolerance.” For years, Chinese people called their smog “fog,” a subtle way of saying, in effect, Western countries were polluted on their way up, too, so give us a break. Not anymore. The Chinese press was full of stories about smog this weekend, including a reminder of the hideous fact that high levels of particulate matter caused a combined 8,572 premature deaths in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Xi’an last year, according to estimates in a study by Greenpeace and Peking University’s School of Public Health.
  Someday, I’ll write about some places like Hungary, one of the first issues around which they organized was the environment, because it was 15)visceral.
  But not today. Today, I’m lying low and taking 16)shallow breaths.

Frances Hodgson Bumett(1849-1924)生于英国,是美国著名儿童文学家,其代表作《小爵爷》、《小公主》、《秘密花园》已成为世界儿童文学经典,一百多年来广为流传,并多次被改编成电影。  《秘密花园》是Burnett夫人最负盛名的作品。任性孤僻的富家小女孩玛丽因突来的瘟疫变成了孤儿,被家住英国古老庄园的舅舅收养。生活在幽僻宁静的乡野和淳朴善良的乡下人之间,她的性情渐渐变得温和
如果说英文中有那么一个词让我由衷憎恨的话,那肯定是“再见”这个词了。  只要一想到和某人说再见,我的心就会痛,心跳得很快,只想摆脱那种感觉。然而人生本就充满了离别。今天,我们算是跟夏天道别了。我的问题是“但它去往何处了?”我感觉自己才刚和春天打过招呼。  今天,“道别”把我团团包围。这就是为什么我觉得趁还感觉到痛,得马上和你们分享这种想法。奇怪的是,我真的没和谁道别,但却目睹了他人的离别。
We had this crazy plan to meet and run away together.  Get married in the first town we came to. and live forever.  But nailed to the tree where we were supposed to meet. instead  I found this letter,
我早上六点到达医院的大厨房时,罗斯已经在对照着病人名册,核对贴在盘子上的姓名标签了。不锈钢架上摆放着成排的盘子,里面盛着我们一会儿就供应的早餐。  “你好,我是珍妮特。”我努力使自己的声音显得欢欣雀跃,尽管罗斯难相处共事的坏名声我早有听闻。“这周我被安排和你一起干活。”罗斯是一个身材矮胖,头发渐变灰白的中年妇女。她停下手头上的活,透过架在鼻梁上的眼镜盯着我看。从她那充满敌意的表情,我能看出她并不喜
Don’t you just hate it when you go to a friend’s house and not only is there no where to sit but also nowhere to stand. Your friend is constantly saying, “mind that,” “sorry about that,” “just be care
A Drinking Song  Wine comes in at the mouth,   And love comes in at the eye;  That’s all we shall know for truth,  Before we grow old and die.  I lift the glass to my mouth,  I look at you, and I sigh
亲爱的玛莉亚和萨莎:    我知道这两年你们俩随我一路竞选乐子不少,去野餐,参加巡游,逛州博览会,吃了各种我和妈妈大概不该给你们吃的垃圾食品。但我也知道,你们和妈妈的日子并不总是过得那么容易。新养的小狗虽然令你们俩兴奋,却无法弥补所有我们不在一起的时光。我明白,过去的这两年来我错过太多了。今天,我要再跟你们多解释一下,我为什么决定带领我们家踏上这趟旅程。
*I hear the wind call your name  It calls me back home again  It sparks up the fire  A flame that still burns  Oh, it’s to you  I’ll always return*    I still feel your breath on my skin  I hear your
“怀旧”,有时候,是一种病。  我是一个不喜欢扔东西的人,一是出于骨子里的拖延症,总觉得可以以后再说;二是自诩自己是个“念旧”的人,把那些曾在自己生命中创造过回忆的东西清理掉,实在太无情。  很久前有一次,母亲清理旧居,问我是否要清掉旧物。中小学教科书?——留着。作业本和考试卷?——留着吧。小板凳儿和旧娃娃?——也要留。……结果,我的东西基本一件没丢,只是我和母亲心里都充满疑惑:这些东西,我真的还