一、乳蛾患者,女,3岁。咳嗽十余日,发烧2天,咽疼,两目多眦,纳差,大便干燥。查体:T38.9℃、咽红、扁桃体Ⅱ°肿大,双侧有白色分泌物。舌红苔黄,脉数。心(-)、肺(-)。诊断:乳蛾(急性化脓性扁桃腺炎) 治则:泻火通便,解毒利咽。处方:凉膈散方加减。银花10克,连翘10克,薄荷(6克)后下,酒芩6克,板兰根15克,桔梗6克,牛子10克,菊花6克,大黄3克(后入),朴硝5克,前胡10克,百部10克,水煎服。服药一剂后,排便一次,量多。热退,眼分泌物减少,咳减、咽红、扁桃体仍肿大,分泌物减少。继用上方加减服三剂,痊愈。二、肺炎喘嗽患者,男,三岁半。咳喘,痰鸣,发热两天,两天大便未行。查体:面色红赤,T 39℃,气急鼻煽,咽红舌质红,舌苔黄腻,脉洪数,双肺可闻细小水泡音。
First, milk moth patients, female, 3 years old. Cough for more than 10 days, fever for 2 days, sore throat, more than two heads, anorexia, dry stool. Physical examination: T38.9°C, pharyngeal redness, and tonsil II degree swelling, bilateral white discharges. Red tongue yellow, pulse number. Heart (-), Lung (-). Diagnosis: milk moth (acute suppurative tonsillitis) cure: purging fire laxative, detoxification Liyan. Prescription: Addition and subtraction of cool glutinous rice. Silver Flower 10g, Forsythia 10g, Mint (6g), Wine Bran 6g, Banlangen 15g, Campanulaceae 6g, Beef 10g, Chrysanthemum 6g, Rhubarb 3g (later), Papaver 5g , Qianhu 10 grams, one hundred grams, Shuijianbi. After taking one dose, defecation is performed once and the amount is more. Heat withdrawal, decreased eye secretions, cough reduction, pharyngeal red, tonsils still swollen, secretions decreased. Followed by adding or reducing the three doses above, healed. Second, patients with pneumonia and asthma, male, three and a half years old. Cough, phlegm, fever for two days, two days of stool did not work. Physical examination: looking red and red, T 39 °C, acute shortness of breath, pharyngeal red tongue, yellow greasy tongue coating, pulse flood count, small lungs can smell small blisters.