When an organ receives a counterrevolutionary case sentenced to death, it is submitted for examination and approval by the lower organ. After receiving this material, the clerical staff of this organ did not read the contents and thought it was the people’s letter that sent the department handling the people’s letter. The people’s letter department did not deal with it, and it went back to the file. After nine months, the sending organ made a telegram to inquire about the approval of the telegram and found out whether it was a mistake to send it out. As a result, this deadly anti-revolutionary activist lived for another nine months. A provincial government sent an instruction to move the Miao from the mountain to the mountain, and the organ that received the instructions did not see the word “ethnic” understood as “the Miao” was removed from the mountain. A document issued by an organ to the organs of a hundred and twenty-four was written as two hundred and four. Confused this file, travel all