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马来西亚华文文学(简称马华文学)自1919年以来,在当地生根、发展,形成非常浓郁的地域色彩。华语虽然是马来西亚华人的沟通语,但是大部分当地华人还是以方言为母语。因此,华人在沟通时,华语与多种方言交叉使用的现象非常明显。这种现象亦反应到了文学作品当中。原上草的小说运用了大量的方言土语,尤其是客家方言,使其作品呈现浓郁的客家风味。小说中方言土语的适当运用不仅强化和凸显了作品的主题,也在塑造人物形象方面起到了一定的修辞效果。方言土语的运用造就了原上草小说的独特性和地域性,也显示了马华文学发展的历程。 Malaysian Chinese literature (MCA) has taken root and developed on the ground since 1919, forming a very rich geographical color. Although Chinese is a Chinese-speaking language in Malaysia, most local Chinese still use their dialects as their mother tongue. Therefore, when Chinese people are communicating, the phenomenon that Chinese is crossed with many dialects is very obvious. This phenomenon is also reflected in the literature. The original grass on the novel to use a large number of dialect, especially Hakka dialect, so that his work presents a rich Hakka flavor. Appropriate use of dialect and language in the novel not only strengthens and highlights the theme of the work, but also plays a certain rhetorical effect in shaping the character image. The use of dialect and native language has created the uniqueness and the regionality of the original Shangcao novels, and also shows the course of the development of MCA literature.