The Central People’s Government’s State Council made a decision on March 3 to unify the country’s financial and economic work. This decision is an extremely important measure to improve the financial and economic management. There is a reason for this decision, not too late. Our wartime financial and economic work was decentralized from the start of the Anti-Japanese War until the 12th year of 1949. There are two more paragraphs in it: one is eleven years from 1937 to 1948, another is from 1949; and the new period is now beginning. In the first eleven years, the financial and economic work in all the liberated areas was completely decentralized. There was only one aspect of currency, revenue and expenditure, and reunification. That is, it was a policy unification. Only in the last year or two will it be possible for the liberated areas to allocate a small amount of military supplies and supplies. This completely decentralized policy was adapted to the time when the liberated areas were divided