世界上不少名作家都有不同程度的神经衰弱或失眠,但他们大都不愿意随便服药。且看他们是如何战胜失眠的: 美国小说家海明威患有高血压和失眠,他失眠时便驾着快艇出海“兜风”。他说:“快艇的飘摇成了摆脱失眠的良方妙药”。 德国大诗人歌德一度被官场生活和艰苦的文学创作折腾得彻夜难眠。于是,他毅然化妆出走,并选择风光绮旎的意大利为漫游的目标。后来他说,经此一游之后,神经衰弱症也“一扫而光”了。 俄国大文豪列夫·托尔斯泰在写《安娜·卡列尼娜》时一度产生过
Many famous writers in the world have varying degrees of neurasthenia or insomnia, but most of them are reluctant to take medicine at random. And see how they beat insomnia: American novelist Hemingway suffering from high blood pressure and insomnia, he was driving a speed boat out of the sea “for a ride.” He said: “The cruise of the speedboat has become a good remedy for getting rid of insomnia.” The great German poet Goethe was once tormented by official life and painstaking literary creation to sleep all night long. So, he decided to make-up, and choose the beautiful scenery of Italy for the purpose of roaming. Later, he said, after this visit, neurasthenia was also “swept away.” Russian magnate Lev Tolstoy once wrote “Anna Karenina” when it happened