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   1. ——____ do you go skateboarding?
   ——Twice a week.
   A. How soon B. How far C. How often D. How long
   2. ——Where is your father ____ for vacation?
   ——Hong Kong.
   A. going B. go C. goes D. to going
   3. ——When are you going to Hainan?
   ——I am going there ____ June 8, 2007.
   A. with B. on C. at D. in
   4. ——How often does Gina take the bus to school?
   ——She ____ takes the bus because she likes walking there.
   A. hardly ever B. always C. often D. usually
   5. ——____?
   ——I have a sore throat.
   A. What are you doing B. What’s the matter
   C. What do you do D. What’s your job
   6. ____ worry. I can help you.
   A. Can’t B. Don’t C. Aren’t D. Not
   7. You must look ____ yourself and keep ____.
   A. for, health B. after, health C. after, healthy D. for, healthy
   8. Thank you very much for ____ to my birthday party.
   A. come B. coming C. to come D. came
   9. ——Would you like to come?
   ——Thank you. ____, but I’m busy.
   A. I like B. I would like C. I want D. I’d love to
  10. My mother stopped ____ to me because there was a call for her.
   A. talking B. to talk C. saying D. to say
  11. Dad will give me ____ to eat ____ my fourteenth birthday.
   A. different something, on B. something different, on
   C. something different, in D. different something, in
  12. ——Where are you going ____ your next vacation?
   ——We decided ____ go to Europe.
   A. on, for B. for, to C. on, to D. for, on
  13. Students in China go to school ____ bikes
   A. ride B. in C. on D. by
  14. Workers in our city take buses ____ ride bikes to work.
   A. and B. or C. so D. although
  15. My brother gets up early and ____ breakfast.
   A. have quick B. has a quick C. have a quick D. has quick a
  16. ____ it take you to walk from your home to your office?
   A. How many hours are B. How long does
   C. How many time does D. How long is
  17. I went ____ my grandpa the whole day.
   A. fishing with B. fishing C. to fish with D. fish with
  18. Can you come to my house ____ the science report?
   A. discuss B. to talk C. to discuss D. discuss about
  19. When will you finish ____ the schoolwork?
   A. write B to write C. writing D. wrote
  20. Wang Ling thinks chicken is ____ nicer than beef.
   A. more B. very C. so D. a little
  21. Sometimes the bus is ____ crowded than the subway.
   A. a lot B. a little C. much D. much more
  22. Mrs. Kong planned ____ her vacation in the beautiful countryside.
   A. spent B. spending C. to spend D. spends
  23. Mary decided to go to work on time (按时), ____ she was ill.
   A. though B. so C. or D. because
  24. ——How often do you eat at KFC(肯德基)?
   A. Twice B. Most C. Never D. Three times
  25. ——How about ____ to see the Subway Station this afternoon?
   ——That’s a good idea.
   A. to go B. go C. goes D. going
  Once a rich woman invited Martin Brown, a famous singer, to sing for her friends. But she __1__ him to have dinner with them. She told him to eat __2__ the servants.
  After the meal Martin stood up and said to the servants, “Now, my good friends, I __3__ for you.” He sang several songs and the servants were quite __4__.
  Then the rich woman asked __5__ to come to the sitting-room. “We are waiting for your songs. __6__ you ready?” the woman asked.
  “I am sorry,” Martin said. “I have sung __7__. I usually __8__ once in one evening, and I can’t sing __9__.
  And with a polite “__10__”, he left the rich woman’s house.
   1. A. doesn’t invite B. don’t invite
   C. didn’t invite D. haven’t invite
   2. A. with B. for C. at D. in
   3. A. sang B. will sing C. sing D. was singing
   4. A. sad B. bored C. exciting D. happy
   5. A. the servant B. the friend C. the woman D. the singer
   6. A. Were B. Is C. Are D. Be
   7. A. ever B. already C. never D. yet
   8. A. sings B. will sing C. sing D. sang
   9. A. one B. two C. once D. twice
  10. A. Good night B. Good morning
   C. Good afternoon D. Good day
  Is the Servant Clever or Foolish?
  This is an old story. It was first told long ago. A rich man wanted to make a journey to another town. He was a businessman. He wanted to take things to sell. He also wanted to take some gold to buy some things. He decided to take ten servants with him. They would carry the things to sell and the food to eat on the journey.
  He was a kind man. He said to one of his servants, “You are the smallest, the thinnest and the weakest of all my servants. You can not carry a heavy load. You may choose the lightest load to carry.”
  The servant thanked his master. He pointed to the biggest load. This was bread for them to eat on the journey.
  “You are foolish,” said his master. “That is the biggest and heaviest load.” But the servant lifted up the load cheerfully and the journey began. They walked for four hours. Then they stopped for a rest. They all ate some of the bread. Then there was less bread for the servant to carry. The servant’s load grew smaller and lighter every day. At the end of the journey, the smallest servant had nothing to carry.
   1. The rich man wanted to sell things and ____.
   A. buy some gold B. buy some gold with the money
   C. buy some things with the gold D. sell some gold
   2. Before the journey began, the rich man said something to ____.
   A. a businessman B. one of his servants
   C. the servants D. some servants
   3. The weakest servant ____.
   A. asked for his master’s advice
   B. followed the master’s advice
   C. refused to accept the master’s advice
   D. took the advice another servant gave him
   4. It took them ____.
   A. less than four hours to finish the journey
   B. some days to finish the journey
   C. no more than four hours to finish the journey
   D. only four hours to finish the journey
   5. The smallest servant was very ____.
   A. clever B. foolish C. honest D. kind
  Now TV programs play an important part in our daily life. We can get a lot of knowledge and a lot of fun from it. Today is Saturday. The following are some TV programs and different channels today. Now read these TV programs and try to find some information for you and your family members.

  根据短文内容判断正误,正确的用“T”, 错误的用“F”。(10分)
  1. My grandfather is interested in law. He can watch CCTV Channel
   1 at noon.
  2. My father is a football fan. He prefers football matches. He can
   watch CCTV Channel 1.
  3. My mother likes watching TV plays. She wants to watch XATV
   Channel 4 in the afternoon.
  4. My sister is only six years old. I want to find a program for her.
   I think she can watch CCTV Channel 6.
  5. I am a student. I like music, but I am very busy tonight. So I
   can watch CCTV Channel 3 this evening.
  A good memory is a great help in learning a language. Everybody learns his own language by remembering what he hears when he is a small child, and some children—like boys and girls who live abroad with their parents—seem to learn two languages almost as easily as one. In school it is not easy to learn a second language because the pupils have so little time for it, and they are busy with other subjects, too.
  A man’s mind is rather like a camera, but it takes photos not only of what we see but of what we feel, hear, smell and taste. When we take a real photo with a camera, there is much to do before the photo is finished and ready to show to our friends. In the same way there is much work to be done before we can keep a picture forever in our mind.
  Memory is the diary that we all carry about with us.
   1. We usually begin to learn a language by ____ it first.
   A. speaking B. seeing C. hearing D. feeling
   2. If you have a good ____, you’ll have less difficulty in learning
   A. photo B. picture C. memory D. camera
   3. The children who live abroad with their parents can learn two
   languages more easily, because ____.
   A. they are very clever
   B. they have good teachers
   C. they have more chances to use these languages
   D. they have a better life
   4. We know that one’s mind ____ a camera.
   A. likes B. is liked C. will like D. is like
   5. A camera takes photos of what can be ____.
   A. seen B. felt C. heard D. smelt
  Mary has some friends. They are Betty, Peter, Alice and Mike. Mary is the oldest of the five. Betty is thirteen years old. She is one year younger than Mary and one year older than Peter. Alice is nine and Mike is seven.
  Betty and Peter are good runners. But Peter runs faster. Mary and Betty like to play basketball. Mary plays better than Betty. Alice sings best of them. Peter, Mary and Betty study in a middle school. Alice and Mike study in a primary school. They all work hard at school. But Betty works hardest. Her handwriting is good, too.

  1. Tom has a ____(头疼).
  2. Thanks for ____(邀请) me to your birthday party.
  3. My cousin likes surfing the ____.(网上冲浪)
  4. Tom is as ____(体格强健的) as Jim.
  5. Now my mother often____(担心)about my sister.
  6. Every summer I have a longv____ and I can get a good rest.
  7. September is the ____ month of the year.
  8. My daughter has a pianol____ this afternoon.
  9. I was really busy. I spent the w____ morning in the office.
   10. We all like to sing p____ songs.
  周杰伦是广受大家喜爱的歌星,下面是他的档案,请你根据所提供的内容,“My Favorite Singer”为题写一篇短文。70词左右。

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扎根伦敦的XAG事务所此次携手伦敦工艺美术学院一起创作了以“hands on”为名的展示空间。这是爱德华七世时期流行的田园设计的21世纪改良版,它当街而置,室内可爱的设计敞开
春节,全国人民心里都美得冒泡的日子,仿佛天地都沉醉了。灯笼快溢出蜜来,锣鼓快催得嫦娥下凡,平静的湖面也笑出圈圈涟漪……我却在流泪,黯然思考着这个最不该流泪的日子。 O