有一个女生S,她名叫SeLina任家萱,及肩的秀发,低诉着温柔;有一个女生 H,她名叫Hebe田馥甄,年轻的脸庞上写满自信;有一个女生 E,她名叫ELLa陈嘉桦,俏皮的短发,透着勇敢和坚强。她们就是——S.H.E,3个刚二十出头的ppmm,用自己的声音为年轻呐喊助威,她们3个浑身散发着青春的光芒,一刻也不停歇,朝着自己的梦快乐奔跑,全世界也会惊诧于她们的活力,所有对于自由自在的向往都会在刹那间抬头,一切有关青春的美好也变得触手可及。
There is a girl S, her name is SeLina Ren Jiaxuan, shoulder and hair, low complain gentle; there is a girl H, her name Hebe Hebe Tian Zhen, young face full of confidence; there is a girl E, her name is ELLa Betty Chan, playful short hair, revealing bravery and strong. They are - SHE, three just beginning of the ppmm, with their voices cheer for the young, the three of them exudes a youthful light, not stop for a moment, towards their dreams happy run, the world is also Will be amazed at their vitality, all for the freedom and longing will rise in an instant, all the beauty of youth have become within reach.