为了标准化精子超低温冷冻保存和人工授精程序,建立了分光光度法测定俄罗斯鲟精子密度的方法,比较了不同波长(380 nm、530 nm、780 nm)下吸光度(A)与精子密度(C)的关系。结果表明,分光光度法的检测下限为3×106cells/mL,且检测上限随波长的增加而上升,当精子密度为3×106~1.5×109cells/mL时,530 nm为最适检测波长,吸光度与精子密度呈对数回归关系,其回归方程为:A530=-8.560+1.323 lgC(R2=0.971)。
In order to standardize cryogenic cryopreservation of sperm and artificial insemination program, a method of spectrophotometric determination of sperm concentration in Russian sturgeon was established. The absorbency (A) and sperm density (C) at different wavelengths (380 nm, 530 nm and 780 nm) relationship. The results showed that the detection limit of spectrophotometry was 3 × 106cells / mL, and the detection limit increased with the increase of wavelength. When the sperm concentration was 3 × 106 ~ 1.5 × 109cells / mL, the optimal detection wavelength was 530 nm, the absorbance The regression equation was logarithmically related to sperm density: A530 = -8.560 + 1.323 lgC (R2 = 0.971).