含而不露 悠然淡远——赵孟頫《仙吕·后庭花》赏析

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清溪一叶舟,芙蓉两岸秋。釆菱谁家女,歌声起暮鸥。乱云愁,满头风雨,戴荷叶归去休。赵孟頫(1254-1322),元代文学家、书法家。他是宋代秦王赵德芳的后代,宋亡入元后,家居力学,文章书画,人称三绝。他善于把诗、文、画三者合而为一,表现出一个诗人同时又是画家的匠心独运。 Clear river boat, hibiscus autumn. Yu Ling who is female, singing from herring gulls. Scattered clouds, head wind and rain, Dai Heye went to rest. Zhao Mengfu (1254-1322), Yuan Dynasty writer and calligrapher. He is the descendant of Qin Dewang Zhao Defang in the Song Dynasty. After the death of Song Yuan, his home mechanics, his paintings and paintings, and his reputation as a person of three. He is good at combining poetry, writing, and painting into one, showing that a poet is at the same time an artist’s ingenuity.