2001年11月9日河北省海水工厂化养殖工作会在滦南召开。参加会议的有沿海三市水产主管局的主管局长、生长科长、技术站长和重点县水产主管局局长。省水产局副局长韩振九同志、滦南县政府王副县长出席了会议并讲了话。河北师范大学生命科学院杨振才博士应邀出席了会议。 会议由省局养殖处处长顾国清同志主持。沿海三市主管局长分别介绍了三市近年来工
November 9, 2001 Seawater factory farming in Hebei Province will be held in Luannan. At the meeting, there were the chief director, director of growth section, chief technical officer and chief county fisheries director of the coastal three cities aquatic products administration office. Provincial Fisheries Bureau deputy director Han Zhenjiu comrades, Luannan county government deputy mayor Wang attended the meeting and made a remark. Hebei Normal University, Academy of Life Sciences, Dr. Zhen-Cai Yang was invited to attend the meeting. The meeting was hosted by Comrade Gu Guoqing, director of the department of culture of the provincial bureau. The chief executives of the three coastal cities introduced the workers in the three cities in recent years respectively