Recently launched the movie “life and death choices,” stunning, touching, thought-provoking, reminders. It is an anti-corruption warning article, it is a positive song for the people. The “Choice of Life and Death” reflects the major theme of keeping pace with the times and keeping a close eye on life. That is to say, the major theme that deals with the life and death of the party and the country is the fight against corruption and advocacy of clean government. Video from the textile plant to reflect the “selling factory storm ” began, and then reveal the contradictions and solve the problem and gradually expand step by step. Although the twists and turns during the twists and turns, but after all, the truth is vivid: a glorious incomparable, with brilliant enterprises, why in a few short years, the downturn? The crux of the problem is that a group of business leaders of the gang of people, using their power to amass wealth , Resulting in rich factory in abbot abbot poor temple. shadow