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立法法第99条第1款过于宏观和概括,需要基于宪法文本并使用比较解释方法进行价值溯源和内涵填充,以便阐明其含义从而有效运用要求审查程序。我国省级人大常委会具有外国地方议会所不具备的独特宪法地位和宪法监督职责,因此其法规审查要求权可承载调整央地关系、维护法制统一、保护地方少数利益、解决地方间利益冲突和监督地方行政等全部功能,并且能够推动基本权利保障。它作为拘束力最强的提请形式能够直接导致审查程序的启动,作为容量最高的管道可以涵盖其他四类要求主体甚至建议审查程序。省级人大常委会可参照其在法律询问答复程序中的实际作用,设置行使审查要求权的具体方案。县级以上地方各级人大常委会在过去40年中对中国法治建设发挥了重要的促进作用,但局限于本地方范围内,省级人大常委会法规审查要求权则为其向国家层面拓展提供了契机。 Paragraph 1 of Article 99 of the Legislative Law is too macroscopic and generalized and needs to be traceable and connotated based on the text of the constitution and using comparative explanations in order to clarify its meaning so as to effectively apply the requirements review procedure. As the NPC Standing Committee possesses the unique constitutional status and constitutional oversight responsibilities that foreign local councils do not possess, its regulatory review requirements can carry the responsibility of adjusting the relationship between central and local governments, safeguarding the unity of the legal system, protecting the interests of local minorities, resolving conflicts of interests between local governments and Supervise all functions such as local administration, and can promote the protection of basic rights. As the most binding form, it can directly lead to the initiation of the review process. As the highest capacity pipeline, it can cover the other four types of requirements and even recommend review procedures. The provincial people’s congress standing committee may, with reference to its actual role in the process of querying and answering the law, set specific plans for exercising the right of examination and examination. The NPC Standing Committee at or above the county level has played an important role in promoting the rule of law in China in the past 40 years, but is limited to the local area. The statutory power of the provincial people’s congress standing committee for examination and approval rests with the NPC at the national level The opportunity.
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