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铁树在我国有着悠久的历史,早在唐朝就有栽培。最初多由南方古寺庙栽培,因起源古老来喻示佛教文化的源远流长;其羽叶繁茂,四季常青,又暗含佛教文化的繁荣昌盛,流传千古。后渐渐由富商官府传至京都地带成为庭院观赏植物,并广泛栽培。因其形态奇特,四季常青,生命长久, Tieshu in our country has a long history, as early as the Tang Dynasty there cultivation. Initially mostly cultivated by ancient temples in the South, ancient origins of Buddhism originated from a long history; its lush foliage, evergreen, but also implies the prosperity of Buddhist culture, spread throughout the ages. After gradually by the rich commercial officials passed to the Kyoto area as a courtyard ornamental plants, and extensive cultivation. Because of its unique form, evergreen, long life,
企业吉祥物是以拟人化的形象,所设计出来的具有一定亲和力的产品形象.吉祥物在现代企业发展过程中起着举足轻重的作用, 以其秉承企业经营理念与战略目标,具有很强的亲和力以