档案著录标引是档案文献信息收集、整理、储存,进而对档案文献信息检索、传输的工作目的是形成档案馆检索体系,开发档案信息资源 一个档案馆的著录标引工作应该在国家标准,规则的基础上,注意理论与实践紧密结合。云南省档案馆著录标引工作的实践表明,注意研究、消化理论原则、吸收各家之长,注意研究档案文件构成形式、特点,注意研究检索途径、著录项目、规则及标引方式、方法,制定各项实施细则,是做好这项工作的保证
File record index refers to the archival document information collection, collation, storage, and then the archives literature information retrieval and transmission of the purpose of the formation of archival retrieval system, the development of archival information resources An archives cataloging should be in the national standards, rules Based on the attention of theory and practice closely. The practice of Yunnan Provincial Archives Indexing and Indexing indicates that paying attention to the principles of research and digestion, absorbing the strengths of each, paying attention to studying the form and characteristics of the archives, paying attention to the researching ways of retrieval, bibliographic items, rules and indexing methods, Formulating the implementation details is a guarantee for doing this work