西部大开发 舆论要先行

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当21世纪的大门向我们敞开的同时,西部大开发,这项对于中华民族的振兴具有深远意义的举措,终于从战略家的文件柜中走了出来,付诸于伟大的实践。西部大开发,为兵团提供了千载难逢的机遇。机遇者,好的境遇,机会也。机不可失,时不再来。机会来了,谁抓住了它,抢占到了制高点,谁就会有大作为,取得大发展。面对这千载难逢的历史机遇,兵团怎么办?这是兵团各级党委、领导不能不深入思考,扎实运作的问题;是各行各业领导干部不能不深入思考,扎实运作的问题。因此,从本期开始,本刊将开设《西部听潮》专栏,陆续刊登一些有识之士的真知灼见,各部门、各行业的实施方案和具体做法,舆论介入,呐喊助阵,为西部大开发鼓实劲。望广大读者不惜笔墨,踊跃撰稿,宣传在西部大开发中好的思路和典型经验,本刊将重点刊发。 As the gates of the 21st century open to us, the great development of the western region, a measure of far-reaching significance for the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, has finally come out from the strategist’s cabinet and put it into great practice. The great development of the western region has provided a golden opportunity for the Corps. Opportunities, a good situation, the opportunity also. Now or never. Chance came, who seized it, to seize the commanding height, who will make a big contribution to achieve great development. In the face of this once-in-a-lifetime historical opportunity, what can the Corps do? This is a question that the party committees and leaders at all levels of the Corps can not but ponder over and work in a down-to-earth manner. It is a question that all leading cadres in all walks of life can not but ponder deeply and work in a down-to-earth manner. Therefore, from the beginning of this issue, we will set up a special column entitled “Listening to the West”, publish some insightful insights from different sectors and industries, implement programs and specific practices in various sectors and industries, and intervene in public opinion and help out for the development of the western region Drum strength. We hope that our readers will spare no effort in writing and writing and publicizing the good ideas and typical experiences in the great western development.
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