The first rounds Deputy Chief Physician: Interns report medical history Intern: Patient, female, 63 years old. Low fever, diarrhea May, August 6, 1985 admission. February 1985 began fever, body temperature 37.6 ~ 38 ℃, loss of appetite, increased stool frequency, 5 to 6 times a day, but no abdominal pain and swelling sense. Appeared in late June, facial and lower extremity edema, joint pain to the right shoulder, waist is even more, has nothing to do with the weather changes, rash from the lower rash sense. Had diagnosed “rheumatoid arthritis”, serving Chinese and Western medicine invalid admission. Physical examination: T37.8 ℃, P100 beats / min, Bp120 / 70mmHg, weight loss, moderate anemia appearance, eyelid and lower limbs light