去年5月21日,北京国际汉字研究会举行学术报告会,请日本石井勋先生介绍他从事汉字教学的经验与体会。石井勋先生认为,汉字是一种优秀的文字,并不难学,只要方法对头,孩子们是很容易学会的。对石井勋先生的这种观点,我是很同意的。我在自己从事特殊教育的长期实践中,深深体会到,对于弱智儿童来说,特别是对于中度弱智儿童(IQ54—40)来说,学习汉字比学汉语拼音要容易得多。 我本来是从事普通小学教育的教师,1984年改教弱智儿童。我接的第一个班只有15名学生,其中9名来自社会,6名来自普通小学。由于没有适合弱智儿童的语文教材和教学大纲,我们只能借用普通小学的教材,参考聋哑学校的教学大纲。小学语文第一册开始是汉语拼音,在普通小学是两三周教完。我知道弱智儿童与普通儿童不同,于是就
On May 21 last year, the Beijing International Character Association held an academic report. Ask Mr. Ishii Ishii to introduce his experience and understanding in teaching Chinese characters. Mr. Ishii believes that Chinese characters are excellent texts that are not difficult to learn. As long as the method is correct, the children are easy to learn. I agree with this view of Mr. Ishii. In my long practice of special education, I deeply understand that it is much easier for mentally handicapped children, especially IQ54-40, to learn Chinese characters than to learn Chinese pinyin. I was originally a teacher in primary education. In 1984 I taught mentally retarded children. The first class I received was only 15 students, of whom 9 came from the community and 6 from ordinary primary schools. Since there is no language teaching materials and syllabus for mentally handicapped children, we can only borrow ordinary primary school textbooks and refer to the syllabus for deaf-mute schools. The first volume of primary school Chinese is pinyin, taught in ordinary primary and secondary schools is completed two or three weeks. I know mentally handicapped children are different from ordinary children