山西煤炭 面对看不见的手──’99全国煤炭订货交易会的扫瞄

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’ 99 CHINA’ S C0AL 0rdering &Trading Fair is held jointly by NationalPlanned Commission, Economic & TradeCommission, Coal - Industry Bureau, Min-istry of Railway, Ministry of Communicationsand Ministry of Domestic Trade in Taiyuan,which is used to be held in the buyer’s placewhereas for the first time in the coal - pro-duction place - Taiyuan. It is a once -in - a - blue - moon opportunity for Shanxi. This fair is characterized by an addi-tional content“ trading” compared with thepast ones and divided into two sections: na-tional major distribution according to theall - round plan and self - ordered by enter-prises which indicates the chunteristics ofassociation of planned economy with Inarketeconomy. The other characteristic lies in thefact that it is stressed again that“ Coal -Transport Methods” issued joinily by Min-istry of Coal and Ministry of Railway must beresolutely implemented.on DeceInber 28, 1998 the nationalma jor ordering has been neary compered,with the 0rdered coal of 350 million tons, ofwhich Shanxi completed the ordered coal of150 million tons, a 5(X), (XX) - ton increaseover that of the national plan. In a word dssfair has overfuffilled the llational index &plan and the desired goal has been achieved. ’99 CHINA’ S C0AL 0rdering &Trading Fair is held jointly by NationalPlanned Commission, Economic & TradeCommission, Coal - Industry Bureau, Min-istry of Railway, Ministry of Communications and Ministry of Domestic Trade in Taiyuan, which is used to be held in the buyer’s Placewhereas for the first time in the coal - pro-duction place - Taiyuan. It is a once -in - a - blue - moon opportunity for Shanxi. This fair is characterized by an addi-tional content“ trading” compared with thepast Ones and divided into two sections: na-tional major distribution according to the all - round plan and self - ordered by enter-prises which indicates the chunteristics ofassociation of planned economy with Inarketeconomy. The other characteristic lies in the fact that it is stressed again that “Coal -Transport Methods” issued joinily by Min-istry of Coal and Ministry of Railway must be yet solitudely implemented.on DeceInber 28, 1998 the nationalma jor ordering has been neary compered, with the 0rdered coal Of 350 million tons, ofwhich Shanxi completed the ordered coal of 150 million tons, a 5(X), (XX) - ton increase excess that of the national plan. In a word dssfair has overfuffilled the llational index &plan and the desired cause has been achieved. .
截止于1998年,印度有6家铝箔轧制厂,总生产能力45kt/a,而铝箔的消费量还不到25kt/a。黑达尔科铝业公司(Hindalco)于1998年收购了印度铝箔有限公司(IndiaFoilsLtd.——IFL)51%的股份,使它成为印度最大的铝箔生产... As of 1998, there w
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