查尔斯·哈姆[Charles Hamm,1925年生于美国弗吉尼亚洲],著名美国音乐学家,达特茅斯学院音乐教授,曾任美国音乐学会主席,现任国际流行音乐研究协会主席,是中国的美国音乐研究会六位荣誉顾问之一。他在对文艺复兴时期和20世纪音乐、流行音乐、美国音乐、歌剧和记谱等方面的研究都卓有成果。1988年9月来华访问,在北京、天津、西安、成都、上海等地的音乐学院作了有关美国现代音乐、流行音乐等方面的讲演,这些讲演具有代表性地反映了美国音乐学的一种最新的学术思想。现将教授在天津音乐学院的几次报告和座谈会讲话据记录和录音整理成文、并加上了小标题,发表如下。
Charles Hamm was born in 1925 in Virginia, USA. He is a famous American musicologist and music professor at Dartmouth College. He was the former chairman of the American Music Association, and is the current chairman of the International Association of Popular Music Studies. He is also a member of China’s American music One of the six Honorary Consultants of the Society. His research on the Renaissance and 20th century music, pop music, American music, opera and notation has been fruitful. He visited China in September 1988 and made speeches on contemporary American music and pop music in Beijing, Tianjin, Xi’an, Chengdu, Shanghai and other places. These speeches have representatively reflected the one in American musicology The latest academic ideas. Now the professor at the Tianjin Conservatory of Music several reports and symposia speech recorded and recorded according to the record, and added a subtitle, published as follows.