克利夫兰骑士队中锋齐德 鲁纳斯·伊尔戈斯卡斯出生于 1975年6月5日,今年25岁。他身高2.21米,体重140公斤,在NBA中也属于高大类型的球员。他是继萨博尼斯之后第二位来自立陶宛的中锋球员。1996年被克利夫兰骑士队在第一轮第20顺位选中,从此开始了
Cleveland Cavalieri center Zidirunas Ilgauskas was born on June 5, 1975 and is 25 years old. He is 2.21 meters tall and weighs 140 kilos and is also a tall player in the NBA. He is the second center from Lithuania after Sabonis. Cleveland Cavaliers in 1996 by the first round of the 20th overall pick, began