我国中等职业教育在经历了近 2 0年的蓬勃发展之后 ,现已进入稳步发展时期。中等职业技术学校外语教学的现状如何 ?它所面临的问题是什么 ?在人类进入 2 1世纪的今天 ,特别是我国入世后的新形势下 ,职中外语改革的出路何在 ?本文以珠江三角洲职业高中外语教育的调查为依据 ,阐述我国中等职业技术教育外语教学的特点和目前存在的主要问题 ,并对外语教育改革问题提出若干建设性思考 ,同时还对职业高中外语教育改革的发展趋势做了预测
After the vigorous development of secondary vocational education in our country in recent 20 years, our country has now entered a period of steady development. What is the status quo of the foreign language teaching in secondary vocational schools? What are the problems it faces? In today’s 21st century when mankind entered the 21st century, especially after China’s accession to the WTO, what is the way out for the reform of vocational schools and foreign languages? Based on the investigation of foreign language education in senior high school, this paper expounds the characteristics of foreign language teaching of secondary vocational and technical education in our country and the main problems that exist at present. It also puts forward some constructive thoughts on the reform of foreign language education. At the same time, it also develops the trend of foreign language education reform in vocational high schools prediction