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慢性中性粒细胞白血病(简称CNL)是一种骨髓增殖性疾病,多以乏力为首发症状,随后可有低热、贫血或出血倾向,血象检查白细胞计数增高,80%以上为成熟中性粒细胞,骨髓检查增生明显活跃,且70%以上有核细胞为成熟中性粒细胞,NAP活性增高,积分在340分左... Chronic neutrophil leukemia (abbreviated as CNL) is a myeloproliferative disease. It often has fatigue as the first symptom, followed by hypothermia, anemia, or bleeding tendency. The blood count of leukocytes is increased in blood tests, and more than 80% of mature neutrophils are , bone marrow examination hyperplasia was significantly active, and more than 70% of nucleated cells are mature neutrophils, NAP activity increased, the score in 340 points left ...
从某种程度上来说,中国钢铁业今日重组成效之微,格局变化之缓,与多年以来中国式行政调控手段有着很大的关系,也与多年以来央企与地方国企弱约束的产能扩张有关。    进入5月以来,宝钢重组广钢、韶钢取得了新进展,而鞍钢重组攀钢也破题。中国钢铁业酝酿了多年的格局调整正在逐次展开。  但这样的格局调整是缓慢的。自2005年国家发改委颁布《钢铁产业发展政策》,提出宏观调控目标是解决产能过剩问题、推动大企业重组