Wave-scattered waves are a common phenomenon in seismic records. Wave scattered wave contains many lithological information, such as surface velocity, thickness and absorption coefficient. In order to extract this information, this paper presents a method of inversion of wave-scattered waves, including the forward simulation of wave-scattered wave records, the process of obtaining the dispersion curves and the iterative solution. Dispersion process is essentially a filtering process. Wave-scattered wave inversion is the pure phase of the wave-wave recording filter, so that the channel after the inverse of the waveform difference in the least-square sense of the smallest. This operation is achieved through iteration. Initial curve of undulation can be calculated directly from the actual record. The modification of the parameters of the antecedent is different according to the type of wave: the wave velocity of the surface is modified only when the sparse Rayleigh wave is inverted, and the depth of the surface is modified when the wave is inverted.