挖出行业“大金矿” 开发女鞋占市场13年前,王振滔白手起家开创奥康鞋业,他一直想要达到的目标就是改变世人心中温州鞋即是伪劣鞋的恶名。三年后,他成功了。但三年前的美国之行,让一直自我感觉良好的王振滔开始重新审视自己。1998年8月,美国赌城拉斯维加斯举办的国际皮鞋展共有9000个展位,其中中国鞋只有少得可怜的几个展位。而与中国相邻的是有上千个展位的意大利鞋展厅。王振滔被震撼了:这才是真正的世界名品。尤其是那一双双女鞋,设计奇特,巧夺天工,风情万种,令人叹为观止。
Dig out the industry “Dai gold mine ” Development of women’s shoes accounted for the market 13 years ago, Wang Zhensong started from scratch to create Aokang footwear, he has always wanted to achieve the goal is to change the hearts of the world that Wenzhou shoes is the notoriety of fake shoes. Three years later, he succeeded. However, three years ago in the United States, Wang Zhenlu, who had always felt good about himself, began to re-examine himself. In August 1998, there were 9,000 booths at the International Leather Shoes Show held in Las Vegas, USA, of which China Shoes had only a few booths. And adjacent to China is the Italian shoe showroom with thousands of booths. Wang Zhenlu was shocked: This is the real world famous product. Especially the pair of women’s shoes, unique design, wonderful workmanship, style, amazing.