陈独秀是“五四”新文化运动的主将 ,扮演着思想启蒙者的角色。他从独特的视角对“科学”概念的内涵进行阐述 :宇宙间有自然法和人为法两种法则 ,它对人类社会的发展进程有十分重要的推动作用 ;科学有广义狭义之分 ,包含自然科学和社会科学两个方面 ;既是精神又是信仰。陈独秀的科学观尽管存在一定的局限性 ,但在当时历史环境下 ,以科学为武器 ,批判封建思想 ,反对迷信盲从 ,并以科学为准则来重估一切事物 ,有力地促进了思想解放 ,对中国现代化进程的启蒙之功是不可抹杀的。
Chen Duxiu is the chief of the May Fourth New Culture Movement and plays the role of an enlightened person. He expounded the connotation of the concept of “science” from a unique perspective: There are natural law and artificial law in the universe, which play a very important role in promoting the development of human society. Science has a broad sense and narrow sense, including natural Science and social sciences; both spiritual and faith. Despite its limitations, Chen Duxiu’s scientific view has given its own limitations. However, under the historical conditions at that time, using science as a weapon, criticizing feudalism, obstructing superstition and obeying the truth and using science as a criterion to revaluate everything effectively promoted the emancipation of mind. The enlightenment of China’s modernization process can not be denied.