,An Effective Three-Dimensional Micromagnetic Method and Its Application to Magnetic Tunnel Junction

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xyy2017
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An effective three-dimensional micromagnetic method for predicting equilibrium configuration of magnetization states is presented with conjugate-gradient technique to minimize the total energy, which has a much faster convergence rate than that of the quasi-Newton method. As an application, magnetic tunnel junctions with pinholes in the ultrathin barrier are simulated. The calculated coupling field Hf increases with the pinhole density increase, corresponding to the decrease of barrier thickness. The free layer domain configuration of tunnel junction during the switching process is also demonstrated.
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内容摘要:叶圣陶先生的写作教学思想博大精深,语文新课改的诸多理念与之一脉相承,不能采用“头脑风暴”的方式将其洗劫一空,其改革“革”断了继承和发展的关系,偏离了正确的方向。  关健词:叶圣陶 教学思想 应用 策略  叶圣陶先生指出:“作文教学欲其收效,欲令学生获得实益,最重要之一点在提高教师之业务水平。教师业务水平高,讲读课教得好,作文课指导得好,学生自能日进有益。”  一.“教是为了达到不需要教”
内容摘要:新的信息时代,高中语文教学,更应该做到少教,老师更要做好引路人,指导好学生自学。教学中一定要做到先学后教,少教多学、精教细导、注重反馈。体现学生自主学习,凸显学生主体地位,体现教师主导作用,关注学生的自学延展,做到教学的有效与高效。  关健词:高中语文 自学后教 高效化  随着课改革的逐步深入、网络信息高度发达的今天,我们越来越深刻地认识到,语文能力的形成关键不在于教师的讲,而在于学生的