双方的细致和耐心,使他和用友的“联姻”走向了某种稳定 何经华知道该在什么时候用“无厘头”来应对记者,造出娱乐效果。2002年5月,在何经华出任用友公司总裁第一次记者见面会上,有记者问何经华他所要肩负的工作和其前任郭新平的相比有何变化?何经华回答说“要说有什么不一样,我跟他长得不一样,其他的还好。”王文京的老搭档郭新平在一旁听了也不由嘿嘿作笑,他知道这的确是一个和自己不一样的总裁。岂止郭新平
The meticulousness and patience of both parties led him and UF’s “marriage” to a certain degree of stability. He Jinghua knew when he should use “uncertain” to deal with reporters and create entertainment effects. In May 2002, at the first press conference held by He Jinghua as the president of UFIDA, a reporter asked He Jinghua what changes he had to take on the job compared with his predecessor Guo Xinping. He Jinghua answered, “What is different? I don’t look like him, and others are okay.” Wang Wenjing’s old partner, Guo Xinping, couldn’t help but laugh at the sidelines. He knew that this was indeed a different president from himself. Luan Zhi Guo Xinping