学会识货 识货是购物侃价的前提,作为消费者,购买商品的目的是为了获取理想的消费效果。如果你不识货,即便价侃得再低,也不知这种商品真正值多少钱,而且一不小心还会买到假冒伪劣商品。只有先学会识货,才能跨入侃价这道门槛,并买到货真价实的商品。 不动声色 走进商店或摊点时,先看准对方缺什么货,你就要买什么,这可使得对方显得困窘,先有几分愧色或憾意,然后再无精打彩地道出自己真正
Learning to recognize goods is the premise of bargaining as a consumer, as a consumer, the purpose of buying goods is to obtain the desired effect of consumption. If you do not know the goods, even if the price Kankadao low, I do not know how much the real value of such goods, but also accidentally buy fake and shoddy goods. Only learn to know the goods first, in order to bargain into this bargain threshold, and buy genuine goods. Into the shops or stalls quietly, first look at each other’s lack of goods, what you want to buy, which makes the other appear embarrassed, the first shame or regret, and then showless truelessness