
来源 :世界汉语教学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:SCY512355337
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§0引言母语为斯瓦希里语(以下简称斯语)的学生学习汉语被动句时出现的错误比较多。为了帮助这些学生克服母语的干扰,正确使用汉语的被动句,有必要对汉斯两种语言中被动意义表达方式的特点进行系统的比较研究。本文拟结合教学实践,就这个问题谈谈个人的体会。斯语表示被动意义的句子有三类:一般被 §0 Introduction There are many mistakes when students whose native language is Swahili (hereinafter referred to as Si) learn passive Chinese. In order to help these students to overcome the interference of their mother tongue and correctly use the passive sentences in Chinese, it is necessary to conduct a systematic comparative study of the characteristics of passive expressions in Hans’ two languages. This article intends to combine teaching practice, talk about personal experience on this issue. There are three types of sentences that convey passive meaning: generally
<正> 向外族语言借词,在一般正常情况下,应该是准确地理解并恪守被借的词的原来意义。现代汉语里,借词的意义基本上都是外族语言各被借的词的原来意义。