电子采购的兴起,逐渐革新了传统的采购模式,大大地提高了效率,节约了成本。欧盟是电子采购制度建设较早的地区之一,且渗透到私营和公共采购领域。为了提高公共与私营电子采购之间的兼容性,2005年2月欧洲标准化委员会(CEN)正式发布了《欧盟电子采购标准化要求和差距分析》(CWA 15236)。文章将根据《欧盟电子采购标准化要求和差距分析》(CWA 15236),以现有的法律、标准规范和技术为基础,分析欧盟公共与私营电子采购在法律层面、程序层面和技术层面的主要异同点,同时提出了相关建议。
The rise of e-procurement, and gradually reform the traditional procurement model, greatly improving the efficiency and cost savings. The EU is one of the earliest regions in the e-procurement system and has infiltrated private and public procurement. In order to increase the compatibility between public and private e-procurement, the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) formally released the EU Standardization Requirements and Gap Analysis of Electronic Procurement (CWA 15236) in February 2005. Based on the EU Standardization Requirements and Gap Analysis of Electronic Procurement (CWA 15236), the article will analyze the main similarities and differences in the legal, procedural and technical aspects of EU public-private e-procurement based on existing laws, standards and techniques Point, at the same time put forward the relevant suggestion.