This article reports 1 case of renal biopsy diagnosed as idiopathic acute glomerulonephritis, accompanied by severe hypoglycemia in children. Male, 7 years old, hospitalized for pharyngitis, headache, mild eyelid edema and gross hematuria 2 weeks later. Urinary protein +++, a red blood cell tube. Hb was 10.7g%, erythrocyte sedimentation rate was 38mm / hour, blood urea nitrogen and creatinine were normal, blood C_316mg% (normal> 90mg%), anti-chain “O” and streptococcal normal. Excretory urography showed bilateral kidney enlargement. On the 4th day of hospital transfer. Check blood urea nitrogen 44mg%, serum creatinine 1.7mg%, total protein is low. Blood IgG, IgA and IgM were normal. Creatinine clearance rate of 27.3ml / min / 1.73m ~ 2, 24 hours urine protein quantitative 1.12g%. Renal biopsy was performed on the third day of hospitalization and intravenous methylprednisolone treatment was initiated