你的心愿一定有很多,但是我想最重要的一个也许和我一样,就是“美丽”!即使是天生丽质的美人儿也希望通过化妆、发型来为自己增色添彩。这种愿望无时无刻不反映在封封的读者来信中,令Beauty的小编们倍感责任重大。于是我们有了一个想法,就是为你做造型,为美丽出谋划策。今天,这个想法终于可以实现了,以后每期我们都会相约造型坊,请专业造型师根据你的照片及个人特征,提出扮靓建议。但是别忘了,若想参与此栏目,来信时请注明你的肤质、发质等特点或写出你想让造型师就哪几方面有针对性地为你提供帮助,另需附上2张你的生活照(要求全身像、头像近照各1张,强烈拒绝艺术照),把你真实的一面展现给造型师,以便得到最好的造型建议! 快快行动吧! 每期只有4个名额噢!瞧,以下4位美人儿已经捷足先登了。如果你足够幸运,还有可能成为特约模特,享受我们提供的全套形象设计方案,就像本期的晓煜和李梅一样!
Your wish must be a lot, but I think perhaps the most important one, like me, is “beautiful!” Even the beauty of natural beauty also want to make their own makeup, hair and add color. This desire is always reflected in the letter from the sealed readers, make Beauty’s small series are more responsible. So we have an idea, is to do for your modeling, advice for the beautiful. Today, this idea can finally be achieved, and later each phase we will meet the modeling Square, the professional stylist based on your photos and personal characteristics, make Dress up recommendations. But do not forget, if you want to participate in this section, please indicate when you write your skin, hair and other characteristics or write you want to stylist which aspects to provide you with targeted help, the other must be attached 2 photos of your life (requires a full body image, a close-up of the portrait, strongly reject the art photo), the real side to your stylist, in order to get the best modeling advice! 4 places oh! Look, the following four beauties have been pre-empted. If you are lucky, there may be special models, to enjoy the full range of image design we provide, just as the current Xiaoyu and plum the same!