SAR(synthetic aperture radar)图像,译为合成孔径雷达,是一种用雷达成像技术,可以对地形地貌进行二维或者三维的成像。SAR设备的天线发出信号到回到天线这段时间内所经过的路径成为SAR图像的孔径(aperture),孔径越大,分辨率越高,所以不管孔径是一个固定的大型天线还是一个小型移动天线,都可以形成分辨率高的图像。SAR技术的性能不断提升,功能不断加强。SAR系统将会迈入人们生活中中,可用于汽车导航,路面监控,以及实时战略游戏方面。
SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) image, translated into synthetic aperture radar, is a kind of radar imaging technology, can be topographic and geomorphological two-dimensional or three-dimensional imaging. The path traveled by the SAR device’s antenna back to the antenna during this time becomes the aperture of the SAR image. The larger the aperture, the higher the resolution, so whether the aperture is a fixed large antenna or a small mobile antenna , Can form a high resolution image. The performance of SAR technology continues to improve and its functions continue to be enhanced. SAR system will enter people’s lives, can be used for car navigation, road monitoring, and real-time strategy games.