In the past 30 years, many scholars have conducted many studies on the pathogenesis of lung cancer, and have various opinions. Some people think that the current increase in the incidence of lung cancer is due to the rapid development of modern chemical industry, and the exhaust gas it has emitted pollutes the atmosphere. As a result, some people think that due to the widespread use of modern means of transport (such as automobiles), the exhaust gas emitted by it has polluted the atmosphere, and some people think that it was caused by excessive smoking, but according to experimental data, the pathogenesis of lung cancer is currently Still not a consistent conclusion, some scholars believe that the increase in the incidence of lung cancer is due to the advancement of clinical diagnostic techniques. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether certain common atmospheric pollutants cause cancerous effects by using several more common exhaust extracts as animal (white mice) tests because of different ethnic animals for the above substances. With different susceptibility, the mice selected for this experiment are of the same race and are generally more sensitive to the above substances. The experimental mice were divided into five groups (a group of 36). Each group was treated with benzene (for comparison) and diesel engine waste.