发展农村党员工作是关系到农村党组织兴旺发达、后继有人的战略任务和根本组织保证。 随着市场经济体制的逐步确立,农村发展党员工作也出现了一些新问题,有的枝支部对年轻一代求全责备,提心年轻人入党后,会威胁着自己的权力和地位。因而人为设卡,搞关门主义;从发展对象来
The development of Party members in rural areas is a strategic task and a fundamental guarantee for the success of the party organizations in rural areas that are prosperous and have developed. With the gradual establishment of a market economy system, some new problems have emerged in the work of developing party members in rural areas. Some branches and branches seek the younger generation’s full reproach and are reminded that the young people will threaten their own power and status after joining the party. Therefore, artificial cards, engaging in closed-doorism; from the development of objects