二战以来,出现了所谓的“新史学”。20世纪西方史学实际上是实现了对1 9世纪正统史学在“背离”意义上的承接。史学发生的变化向我们提出了严肃的问题,诸如历史学是否可以复原过去?如果可以,如何解释不同的历史著作对过去有不同的叙述和认识?历史有没有大线条?需要不需要“宏大叙事”?历史有没有借鉴功能?这些都应该予以严肃思考。同时,中国史学界在研究中应形成坚定地认识,有自己的思考和话语权。
Since World War II, the so-called “new history” has appeared. In the 20th century, western historiography actually fulfilled the acceptance of orthodox historiography in the 19th century in the sense of “deviation”. Historical changes have raised serious questions for us, such as whether history can restore the past? If so, how can we interpret the different historical writings? Have different narratives and understandings of the past? Are there any big lines of history? Do not need ambitious? Narrative "? History has no reference function? These should be serious thinking. In the meantime, Chinese historians should form a firm understanding in their research and have their own thinking and voice.