Sun Yat-sen once said that: Do big things do not do high officials, but really do big things several people? This is my great things to do for the great officials of Mr. Hui Jun, especially those who feel indebted also. Yeh Wai-kwan (1862 ~ 1932), first name Zeng Ming, Pudong New Area Gaohang people. Childhood school hometown private school, 14 years old to go to Shanghai Nian bean industry (now grain). At that time, the powers successively invaded China by force, the Qing government was corrupt and incompetent, cut its ground for compensation, and entered into an unequal treatise on humiliation and humiliation. Ye Huijun, a young man, determined to take revenge on the country and actively joined the struggle against imperialism and patriotism. He joined the League in 1911 and made a significant contribution to the rejuvenation of Shanghai in 1911.