毫州市消防支队出台措施,奖励咸绩显著的宣传报道人员,从而调动了这些人员的积极性。 毫州市消防支队组建不久,就成立了宣传报道组,选配 16名文化较高具有一定写作能力的同志为通讯报道员。制定了《加强通讯报道工作的规定》,确定了年度硬性指标,制订了奖惩措施。对在?
The measures taken by the Fire Brigade in Haozhou City to reward prominent publicity and reporting personnel of salty staff have mobilized the enthusiasm of these personnel. Soon after the establishment of the Fire Brigade in Haozhou City, a propaganda and reporting group was set up and 16 comrades with higher education and writing skills were selected as correspondents. Formulated the “Regulations on Strengthening News Coverage”, set annual hard targets and formulated rewards and punishments. Right?