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影片《芬芳誓言》导演:王晓棠 编剧:王宸故事梗概 2000年夏秋之际,台商丁嘉尧携子、媳和孙儿自台北返回阔别52年之久的家乡重庆,投资办厂并沿长江而下寻觅他当年的未婚妻黄一兰和曾救他于危难的台湾籍“小兵”。 丁嘉尧的儿子丁亚峰十分同情父亲,帮他寻到了当年和黄一兰最要好的小姐妹,如今的苏绣大师顾文霞的下落——在苏州。丁嘉尧的儿媳林海珠却坚决站在婆婆一边,反对公公寻找旧日情侣。 邀请丁嘉尧来投资办厂的渝州大学校长台属戴宏民和他的做台商接待工作的小女儿戴佩华在听了丁嘉尧讲述与未婚妻黄一兰以及和“小兵”如何相识、相知并在1948年分手时各有誓言相约的故事后,深受感动。父女二人和重庆作协主席台属黄济人——作家许地山(笔名落花生)的侄子,西南农业大学副教授——台胞许由一起,尽力帮助丁嘉尧寻找两位故人。 丁嘉尧赶到江南,见到老友顾文霞。文霞告诉他事业有成的一兰对他的爱情52年如一。已儿孙满堂的丁嘉尧万分感动和汗颜。 他把这个凄美的爱情故事讲给来参加联谊会的台湾朋友们听,大家激动得情不自禁地也共同盟了一个誓言并击节唱起了当年嘉尧、一兰定情的歌“只要心儿没有老”。 在南京中山陵——昔日丁嘉尧和故人分手的地方,“小兵”和丁嘉尧重逢。 Film “Fragrant Vows” Director: Wang Xiaotang Screenwriter: Wang Chen Synopsis In the summer of 2000, Taiwanese businessman Ding Jiayao, son and daughter-in-law, returned to Taipei, the hometown of 52 years old from Taipei, to invest in factories and set foot along the Yangtze River Looking for his previous fiancee Huang Yilan and had saved him in distress in Taiwan “soldier.” Ding Ya-Ya Ding’s son Ding Ya-feng is very sympathetic to his father, helping him find the best year and Huang Yilan the best sisters, and now the whereabouts of Suzhou embroidery master Gu Wenxia - in Suzhou. Lin Jiazhu, daughter-in-law of Ding Jiayao, resolutely stood by her mother-in-law and opposed the father-in-law looking for old couple. Dai Boyin, the president of Yuzhou University who invited him to invest and set up factories, and his young daughter Dai Peihua, who serves as a receptionist for Taiwanese businessmen, listened to Ding Jiayao about how he and his fiancee Huang Yilan and his “little soldier” met each other and each broke up in 1948 Having vowed to meet the story, deeply touched. The father and daughter and the Chongqing Federation of Cooperatives’ podium belong to Huang Ji-ren, the nephew of writer Xu Dashan (pen peanut) and associate professor of Southwest Agricultural University - together with Taiwan compatriots, to make every effort to help Ding Jiayao to find two deceased people. Ding Jiayao rushed to the south, to see his friend Gu Wenxia. Wen Xia told his successful career in a love of his 52 years as one. Ding Jiayao children and grandchildren have been very touched and ashamed. He told this poignant love story to Taiwan friends who participated in the Fellowship. Everyone was excited and could not help but co-enact an oath and sang the song of the year Jia Yao and his wife, “As long as the heart does not old”. In Nanjing Sun Yat-sen - where old Ding Jiayao and his friends broke up, “soldier” and Ding Jiayao reunion.
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