我国政府承诺1995年消灭由“野毒株”引起的脊髓灰质炎(简称脊灰)麻痹型病例。消灭脊灰的根本措施是采用特异性的预防手段,服用脊灰疫苗(OPV),因而采用正确的免疫程序是消灭脊灰的关键。国际上推荐的基础免疫程序叫做“三剂OPV”,即婴儿出生第6周时,开始使用第一剂口服脊灰疫苗(OPV_1)。在第10周和第14周再分别服用OPV_2,OPV_3。国内是从婴儿出生第二月龄服第一剂OPV,第三月龄、第四月龄分别服第二剂、第三剂OPV,每剂间隔至少4周。以上两种免疫程序对控制脊灰发病起到良好的作用,然而这只是问题的一个方面,而另一个方面也应看到,有些婴儿尚未到免疫月龄就已发病,在实现消灭脊灰的目标中,这个问题不能不引起人们的关注。 全程服用脊灰疫苗的儿童仍然感染发病,这部分病例的出现给我们带来新的挑战,对我国按期消灭脊灰构成威胁。按年
Our government promised to eradicate paralysis of poliomyelitis (referred to as polio) caused by “wild strains” in 1995. The fundamental measure to eradicate poliomyelitis is to adopt specific preventive measures and take polio vaccine (OPV). Therefore, adopting the correct immunization program is the key to eradicating polio. The internationally recommended basic immunization program is called “Three-dose OPV,” which is the first oral OPV-1 vaccine to be administered at the sixth week of life. OPV_2 and OPV_3 were administered at weeks 10 and 14, respectively. Domestic is born from the baby second month old first dose OPV, the third month old, the fourth month of age were served the second dose, the third dose of OPV, each dose interval of at least 4 weeks. The above two immunization programs play a good role in controlling the incidence of polio, but this is only one aspect of the problem. On the other hand, it should be noted that some infants have not yet reached the age of immunization and have achieved their goal of eradicating polio Objectives, this issue can not but cause for concern. The whole course of taking polio vaccine is still infected with children. The emergence of some cases brought us new challenges and posed a threat to polio eradication in China on schedule. by year