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在我们党的宝贵精神财富的档案里,似乎已经形成了15种精神,即井冈山精神、长征精神、延安精神、西柏坡精神、红岩精神、雷锋精神、“两弹一星”精神、大庆精神、唐山抗震精神、98抗洪精神、抗击“非典”精神、载人航天精神、64字创业精神和邓小平同志提出的五种革命精神以及胡锦涛同志近日总结出的四川汶川大地震“万众一心、众志成城,不畏艰险、百折不挠,以人为本、尊重科学”的伟大抗震救灾精神。 It seems that 15 kinds of spirits have emerged in the archives of our party’s precious spiritual wealth: the spirit of the Jinggangshan, the spirit of the Long March, the spirit of Yan’an, the spirit of Xibopo, the spirit of Hongyan, the spirit of Lei Feng, the spirit of “two bombs and one satellite” The spirit of Daqing, the spirit of Tangshan Earthquake, the spirit of 98 anti-flood, the spirit of “SARS”, the spirit of manned spaceflight, the pioneering spirit of 64 words and the five revolutionary spirits proposed by Comrade Deng Xiaoping and the Wenchuan Earthquake in Sichuan recently concluded by Hu Jintao, The spirit of great earthquake relief and disaster relief with the will of millions of people, their determination to act as their own cause, their determination and indomitableness, their determination based on people, and respect for science ".