世纪之交,又逢建国五十周年,中国历史博物馆、北京华观艺术品有限公司和山东青州博物馆将于1999年7月至12月联合推出“盛世重光—山东青州龙兴寺出土佛教造像精品展”。参展的这批有上千年历史的佛教石刻造像,是1996年全国十大考古新发现之一,以其极高的学术价值,引起海内外的关注,被誉为“中国古代雕刻艺术的集大成者”和“中国本世纪佛教美术考古界最重要的发现。”这次展览,将是这批珍贵而神秘的佛教文物在经过两年多时间的研究整理后的首次公开展出。 1998年12月10日,十余位国内顶尖的文物研究专家聚集中国历史博物馆,共同探讨这批珍贵文物的历史、艺术价值,对于国家博物馆与商业机构共同举办大型文物展览的尝试给予高度评价,并对是次展览寄予厚望。本刊特选登座谈会部分专家的发言摘要,以飨读者
At the turn of the century, the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the Museum of Chinese History, Beijing Huaguan Art Co., Ltd. and Shandong Qingzhou Museum will be jointly launched in July-December 1999. “ Boutique Show ”. The group of exhibiting Buddhist statues with thousands of years of history is one of the ten major archaeological discoveries in 1996. With its high academic value, it has aroused the attention both at home and abroad. It is praised as "a collection of ancient Chinese carving art This exhibition will be the first public display of these precious and mysterious Buddhist relics after more than two years of research and arrangement. On December 10, 1998, more than a dozen of the nation’s leading experts in cultural relics gathered in the Chinese Museum of History to discuss the historical and artistic value of these precious cultural relics and spoke highly of attempts by the National Museum and commercial organizations to jointly organize large-scale cultural relics exhibitions. And high hopes for the exhibition. Selected articles of this forum selected experts summary of the speeches to readers