已是晚上十一点多了,被我关在门外哭了很久的女儿胆战心惊地跨进了铁门。 “给我跪下!”正在气头上的我,对女儿脸上横流的泪水视若无睹,一声怒吼,把女儿吓得战战兢兢。7岁的女儿仰着头,可怜兮兮望着我,仿佛在乞求:“爸爸,我知道错了,原谅我吧!就原谅我这一次吧!”女儿见我满脸的怒容并无些许褪色,惊恐地、毫不情愿地曲下了她那瘦小的双腿,颤抖着跪在客厅的地板上,低着头,泪水像断了线的珠子,成串地往下掉。看着毫无反抗能力的女儿乖乖地跪在地上,做父亲的我,心窝里隐隐作痛,准备用来狠狠教训她的话,到嘴边却没了声音,眼角湿润了,心底好像流淌着一股热乎乎的东西。心在
It was more than eleven o’clock in the night, and the daughter who had been crying for a long time outside my door leaned into the iron gate with fear. “Kneel to me!” I was angry on the cross-flow of tears on her face turned a blind eye, a roar, his daughter scared. 7-year-old daughter looked up, looked at me pitifully, as if begging: “Daddy, I know the wrong, forgive me! Forgive me this time!” The daughter saw my face’s anger did not fade , Horrified, reluctantly trussed her skinny legs, trembling, kneeling on the floor in the living room, head down, tears like a broken string of beads, falling down in a string. Looked at the daughter without obedience obediently kneeling on the ground, my father, my heart fainting, ready to be used to severely her words, to the mouth but no sound, eyes moist, my heart seems to be flowing with a Stock hot thing. Heart is