郑某 男,23岁。于1个月前劳动时突感左眼前黑影,伴双眼视力进行性下降,曾到当地医院就诊,予口服“异烟肼”,肌注“链霉素”,疗效不佳,到我科就诊收入院。病程中无明显消瘦、乏力、盗汗,二便正常。全身检查未见异常。眼部检查:视力右眼0.8,J_4,左眼0.2,J_6,均不能矫正。双外眼正常。新福林散瞳后眼底镜及三面镜检查:双视乳头颞侧近中央部可见1/3乳头直径(pd)大小近似圆形灰色小凹,其深度右眼凹陷2mm,左眼凹陷3mm,均为弹坑样凹陷。
Jeong M, 23 years old. In a month ago when the labor suddenly felt the shadow of the left eye shadow, with binocular vision decreased, had to the local hospital for oral “isoniazid”, intramuscular “streptomycin”, poor efficacy, to my department Visit hospital income. No significant weight loss during the course of disease, fatigue, night sweats, two will be normal. No abnormalities in the whole body examination. Eye examination: visual acuity 0.8, J_4, left eye 0.2, J_6, can not be corrected. Double outer eyes normal. New Fulin mydriasis fundopia and three-mirror examination: near the middle of the bilateral temporal papillae can be seen 1/3 of the nipple diameter (pd) size is approximately circular gray small concave, the depth of the right eye hollow 2mm, left eye hollowed 3mm, Crater-like depression.